
Rule of Thumb

Rules of thumb:

1: Everything under 4000BP is as good as dead.

2: If you have 2 or less life, YOU are as good as dead.

3: You can be outnumbered. Easily. Always be ready to be zerg rushed.

4: ALWAYS Be ready to be zergling rushed.

5: 1/4 of your deck should be able to hold off the 1st turn zergling rush. At least.

6: If your opponent is NOT a zerg rush deck, be ready to take 4 life at any time after turn 3. ANY TIME. Have a little weenie out there to save your life.

Zodiac Conduct

5 Cost Magic. 4 Red deduct Symbols

Open 4 of your cards. Summon ONE Spirit with "光導" As its type without paying its cost.


It looks like someone is forgetting a certain cost 12 Spirit has "光導" as its type too.

Just... Zodiac Crimison suddenly got a lot more viable.

Seventh Apollo still sucks.


Seven Storm

We all know Storm Draw: Draw 3 then discard 2...

And Strong Draw: Draw 3 then discard 2... as Bleu!

And Vulcan Arms: A blue/Green.... Draw 3 then discard 2... Costs more, but allows you to power up your spirits after its summoned.

Whilst these guys dont exactly gives you any advantage of any sort, they all allow you to get a better and more balanced hand, much like The Burning Canyon does.

1 Storm Draw, 3 Strong Draw, and 3 Vulcan Arms all together has been called "Seven Storm", an engine that can be used by either green or blue, allowing you get a very balanced and reliable engine and draw force for your deck.

These 3 cards allows Blue/Green decks to be the most reliable build around.

Compare this to the other draw powers the other colors have:

Purple: Spirits that draw 1 when summoned

Red: Too many to count.

Yellow: Farseer Pentan, Helen(summon, DRAW 3 >.>)

White: Classically no draw power(Although there has been talk going around about splashing some red to play Revive Draw

Clearly the most consistent deck out there ought to be Blue/Green, no?

They have boss monsters in the form of Jungle Emperor Coyo and that supid broken X rare that blows up to 15 cards off the opponents deck every attack(oh. Which one? err... the only one with Green deduction symbols.)

Core boost like no tommorow thanks to green.


New Project: Eclipse Burn

Woot so I managed to crack a Purple brave pack.

So, new project: Purple deck

(Yes I can finally use Deadly balance!)


Is the final product I hope to achieve.

Basic plan is basic:

Be purple like and knock down 3-4 life within 2-3 turns.

When they summon a big spirit, watch cores to be wary of dream ribbon/chest

Summon Seigwurm Vega, Attach burn crow.

Send said Seigwurm Vega/Crow to crash into spirit larger than itself.

Watch the magic happen.



Pheonix Sword

The Pheonix Dragon Pheonix Sword

Brave/Cost 6/3R


When Summoned, destroy all spirits with less than 4000BP or Destroy All Nexuses

Brave: Cost 5+

Braved Spirit can target attack any spirit.


Seig Crimison #2

More records!

Has beaten:

Darkwurm Nova!

Seigwurm Nova!

Lunatech Strike Wurm!


Dipper Turbo


As of June 16th 2011.

Its got draw power.

And as if that wasnt enough... Its still got more.